Happenings December 13, 2019

Around this time of year, we often see the, “Let’s put Christ back in Christmas.” Bumper stickers and memes.  With that in mind, I googled, “How do we put Christ back in Christmas.”  Here are few of the responses:

  ·        How about putting Christ back in Christians.

  ·        If you’re trying to put Christ back in Christmas you’ve got another Christ! Cause he was never there in the first place! (There are several memes like this and they refer to the notion that Christmas finds its roots in a pagan festival)

  ·        Putting Christ back in Christmas is fine, but how about putting Christmas back in December.

  ·        Putting Christ back into your life is more important than putting Christ into Christmas.  Spending time in line on Black Friday is not a good start.

  ·        No Christ, No Christmas.  Know Christ, Know Christmas.

  ·        What about putting Christ back into Christmas?  It simply isn’t necessary; Christ has never left Christmas.

  ·        If you want to put Christ back in Christmas, then stop using Yule traditions.  I>E> the tree and the wreath. 

  ·        There were also a few suggestions which I am unwilling to print. 

Several of the responses are based on Christian’s appropriation of a pagan holiday.  Personally, I do not have a problem with this because many holidays have been transformed and given new meaning.  I think the important point here is, does the use of old traditions and symbols serve the new purpose.  If they lead us to a deeper faith and truer piety, I have no problem celebrating a holiday which was once a pagan celebration.

Several the responses above are thought provoking, I will offer you my favorites.



Presiding:  The Rev. Dale Krotee

Music Director and Organist: J. Curtis White

Immanuel Church Chancel Choir

Pianist:   Lynne Breil, Tina Lyte        

Acolyte:  Natalee Lyons

Ushers:  Carole & Roger Segar, Ashton Elzey, D. J. Elzey

Nursery Staff:  Stephanie Carmine

Nursery Assistant: Tammy Luthy

Sound System:  Jack Breil, Keith Malkus, Tom Wilkison

This Week at Immanuel:  (Office hours  M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)

Sunday          9:00am              Sunday School

                      9:15-11:30am     Nursery Care

                     10:00am              Worship 

                     11:00am              Congregational Meeting

                                                 Fellowship in the Narthex              

Tuesday        12-1pm               Bible Study     

Thursday        6:30pm              Choir Practice

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING:  Sunday, December 15th following worship. Agenda:  Election of President of the Congregation 2020; budget 2020.

CHURCH COUNCIL:  If you would like to serve on the Church Council  filling the 3 vacancies that we will have for 2020, please see any of our current council members.

ANGEL TREE:  Gifts are asked to be wrapped and each package labeled with the number on the ticket you picked (i.e. DOR7A).  We will make our deliveries on Thursday, Dec. 19.  Help is needed.  See Robin Burton.

POINSETTIA ORDER FORMS are available in the Narthex.  Orders must be into the office by December 15th.              

COMMITTEE REPORTS:  Please have your reports into the office, either by email: info@immanuelucc.com  (preferred) or leave them on the secretary’s desk.  I would like to have ALL reports no later than January 19.  This will allow enough time to prepare the booklet and make the necessary copies prior to the Annual Meeting.

LAST DAY TO MAKE DONATIONS FOR 2019.   ALL CHURCH GIFTS AND OFFERINGS FOR 2019 MUST BE IN BY DECEMBER 31 TO BE COUNTED FOR 2019.  OUR BOOKS WILL BE CLOSED THE EVENING OF DECEMBER 31.  This is necessary in order to get year-end financial reports completed.

Janice Haller, Church Secretary