Happenings November 1, 2019

Yesterday, I had to travel to Carlisle, Pa to visit Leah.  She lost the key to her car a week ago (and you want to know why you didn’t have a car on campus last year Leah), and it was not a simple key to replace, so with care packages (which Mom packed) in hand, her recently repaired laptop (I know now not to drop it, Dad), and money for a meal at a nice restaurant (the “caf” only has good food on weekends when parents or other visitors are here, Dad), I headed north for a very quick visit. 

As I headed home, I listened to the weather reports warning of high winds and worse.  When I pulled into the parsonage driveway when I arrived home, I wondered if I should move my truck away from the two long dead pine trees on the side of the driveway.  I didn’t.

In the morning, as I walked out of the house to come to church, Revelation 16:15, Matthew 24:43, and I Thessalonians 5:2 came to mind.  The passages all pretty much say, we don’t know when the day of the Lord is coming.  It is a comment on procrastination and putting things off till another day. 

For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.  I Thessalonians 5:2 ESV

You can probably guess where I am going with this.  The bad news is the tree fell.  The good news is that the tree fell safely away from the truck!  So, the lessons of the day are this:

1.      Live your life now, in a way that pleases God, so that you will be ready for the Day of the Lord whenever it may come.

2.      Get rid of the other tree before it does fall on a car or the garage! (and clean up the tree that fell)

Peace, Dale

The pics below are the one that fell (on the left) and the one that still stands (on the right).


   Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18

   Ephesians 1:11-23

   Luke 6:20-31


Presiding:  The Rev. Dale Krotee

Music Director and Organist: J. Curtis White

Immanuel Church Chancel Choir

Pianist:   Lynne Breil, Tina Lyte        

Acolyte:  Adam Elzey

Ushers:  Ashton Elzey, Kim Leonard, Carole & Roger Segar

Nursery Staff:  Stephanie Carmine

Nursery Assistant:  Amanda Bair

Sound System:  Jack Breil, Keith Malkus, Tom Wilkison

This Week at Immanuel:  (Office hours  M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)

Sunday     9:00am                  Sunday School

                 9:15-11:30am         Nursery Care

                10:00am                  Worship 

                11:15am                  Mission Brunch in Fellowship Hall                         

Tuesday  12-1 pm                   Bible Study     

Thursday  5:00pm                   Spiritual Council

                 6:30pm                   Choir Practice


MISSION BRUNCH in the Fellowship Hall today at 11:15a.m.  Guest speaker:  Mary Handley.  Everyone is encouraged to bring a non-perishable for our food pantry.

OFFERING:  To those who continue to meet their pledges throughout the year and offer monetary help when needed, thank you!   Now, the bad news is that we are falling very short in our donations and the general fund is suffering.  We are having to borrow money from other accounts to meet our obligations.  Now, we find that we will need to dig a new well and we don’t have the cost figures for that at this time, but it won’t be cheap.  We have to pay mortgages, utilities, payroll, insurances, Federal & State withholding taxes just to name a few of the monthly obligations.  Please give what you can when you can so that we are not continuing to run in the RED.

FINANCIAL SECRETARY:  Sandy Dodson will be retiring from this position  at the end of 2020.  We are seeking someone, hopefully from the congregation, to fill this vacancy.  For job description, contact the office.

PLANNING FOR 2020:  All committees – mark your calendar for Sunday, November 11    following the worship service at 11:30am. There will be a meeting in the Fellowship Hall to plan events for 2020.  This is the time that the various committees and individuals come together to make plans for the next year.  We are asking for your input.   If you would like to "schedule/plan an organized” fundraiser for the Church, please come to the meeting.  If you have a fundraiser idea, come to the meeting.  This will help in avoiding conflicts with scheduling during the

HOLIDAY BAZAAR:  The Holiday Bazaar is the “last fund raiser” of the year and it will be held on November 23rd—the Saturday prior to Thanksgiving. This has been one of our largest fund raisers and many people in the community come to enjoy all our food, bake table, and items we have for sale.  We will need volunteers to help as well as bakers.  Sign-up sheet is available in the Narthex.  Also sign-up sheet is available for the carry-out platter that we have offered the past couple of years.

NUT AND GOODIE SALE:  Once again this year, Beverly Shelly will be offering nuts and goodies for sale to benefit Hoffman Homes for Youth, the local

Cold Weather Shelter and Kitty City Rescue.   For a list of items or to place your order, contact Beverly Shelly at Cecille’s Beauty Salon 410-228-4890.

"Christmas in September Snowmen"— Orders will be delivered to Church this Sunday, November 3rd for pickup.