Happenings January 10, 2020


It has been a few weeks since I offered some humor, so here we go, but first . . .


I will be away on Sunday January 19.  Rev. Dr. Tom Long will be preaching and we need a few volunteers to assist with worship leadership that week.  Most of the help would be in reading parts of the service, but we also need someone to offer a children’s message and handle the announcements and the joys and concerns.  If you would like to help in any way, please contact me or the office before next Wednesday!  Thank you. 


Have a laugh now!


And for something on the seripus side . . .



   Isaiah 42:1-9

   Acts 10:34-43

   Matthew 3:13-17


Presiding:  The Rev. Dale Krotee

Music Director and Organist: J. Curtis White

Immanuel Church Chancel Choir

Pianist:   Lynne Breil, Tina Lyte        

Acolyte:  Adam Elzey

Ushers:   Carole & Roger Segar, Barry Adkins, Ashton Elzey

Nursery Staff:  Stephanie Carmine

Nursery Assistant:  Robin Burton

Sound System:  Jack Breil, Keith Malkus, Tom Wilkison

This Week at Immanuel:  (Office hours  M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)


   9:00am               Sunday School

   9:15-11:30am     Nursery Care

   10:00am              Worship 

   11:00am               Fellowship in the Narthex


   6:30pm                 Church Council       


   12-1pm                Bible Study   

    1-6 pm                Blood Bank

    Thursday             6:30pm                       Choir Practice

ANNUAL MEETING:  Sunday, February 2 following worship.  Agenda:  Review of committee reports and election of 3 members to the Church Council.

CHURCH COUNCIL:  If you would like to serve on the Church Council filling the 3 vacancies that we will have for 2020, please see any of our current council members.

BIBLE STUDY:  We will be starting an 8 week Bible study on “The Lord’s Prayer” January 7,2020- February 25,2020.  It will be from 12-1pm with soup provided.   Please contact me or Claudia if you are interested.  The book we have chosen is “The Lord’s Prayer” by Douglas Connelly, one of the Life Guide Bible Studies series.   Claudia McDonald-410-463-4055 Donna Campbell-443-521-0112

SOUPER BOWL LUNCHEON:  Join us after worship on Sunday, January 26th for soup and sandwich.

WATERFOWL HUNT:  Raffle tickets are available in the office. Gun tickets:  $10 each or 3 for $25.  Goose Call Raffle: $1 each or 6 for $5.  There will also “Tricky Tray” items available.

Janice Haller, Church Secretary