What is wrong with the painting?
The painting above is a hand-made gift I received from Diana’s brother and sister for my ordination in 1991. It has hung in all my offices ever since I have received it. I look at it frequently. On occasion I use it as a focal point while praying. I love it. But there is a flaw. Were you able to spot it?
I was reminded of this because the painting is a mirror image of the original which I saw on a Facebook Post this morning. I first realized this when I looked at the letters at the top. The Greek letters IC XC were the shortened version of, “Jesus Christ," and they are backwards on my gift! I love it. I reminds me, this was a handmade gift that took time and effort and thought.
The original, pictured above, is an icon. An icon (before the age of computers) was a religious work of art, most commonly a painting, and on wood, found in the traditions of the Eastern Orthodox, but also in the Roman Catholic, Oriental Orthodox, and Eastern Catholic Churches. They are not simply artworks but an icon is a sacred image used in religious devotion.
The message today isn’t terribly serious, but I enjoyed thinking about this special gift which was given to me, and the icon and tradition on which it was based. Hope you learned a little something.
Finally, a joke about icons: How do you open a window in an Orthodox Church? Click on an icon!
Lessons from Scripture
Exodus 24:12-18
2 Peter 1:16-21
Matthew 17:1-9
Pastor Dale
Presiding: The Rev. Dale Krotee
Music Director and Organist: J. Curtis White
Immanuel Church Chancel Choir
Pianist: Lynne Breil, Tina Lyte
Acolyte: Kyle Jackson
Ushers: Carole & Roger Segar, Ashton Elzey, Brady Lyons
Nursery Staff: Stephanie Carmine
Nursery Assistant: Robin Burton
Sound System: Jack Breil, Keith Malkus, Tom Wilkison
This Week at Immanuel: (Office hours M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)
Sunday 9:00am Sunday School
9:15-11:30am Nursery Care
10:00am Worship
11:00am Pancakes in Fellowship Hall
Tuesday 12-1pm Bible Study
Wednesday 11:00am 1880 Bank
6:30pm Ash Wednesday Service
Thursday 6:30pm Choir Practice
PANCAKES: We will serve our pancake lunch following worship on Sunday, February 23rd. Everyone is invited.
ASH WEDNESDAY: Worship service at 6:30pm on February 26th.
GERMAN DINNER: Saturday, March 7th, 4:30-7pm. If you purchased Tickets for the Oktoberfest 2019, you may use them for the German Dinner.
BINGO: The CE Board will be doing their Family Bingo on March 28th. Doors open at 5:00pm and Bingo will begin at 6:00pm. This is a fun evening for the entire family so plan to join us.
LADIES PRAYER BREAKFAST: March 21st, 8:00am at IUCC in Fellowship Hall.
Janice Haller, Church Secretary