As some of you remember this is the Sunday when I read a chapter of the humorous book about church life, “Home to Harmony,” by Philip Gulley. It is a personal tradition for me that began about twelve years ago, and I thought I would share a little bit about how this came to be.
While serving the church near Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, I associated with a group of pastors who met weekly for breakfast to discuss church matters, life, and fantasy football. I still am in a fantasy football league with several of these pastors, in fact, we just had our draft last Wednesday night. As usual I drafted without any research or preparation, which will likely assure my usual position at the bottom of the league in 18 weeks. These friends introduced me to one of their friends and his Sabbath Time Ministries ministry. The Sabbath Time Ministries group had an annual retreat every year for pastors which encouraged them to honor the Sabbath. The homework for this retreat was to read five or six books.
I remember reading “Grapes of Wrath” (a terribly hard read for me), “April 1865” (I learned a lot about American History that I didn’t learn in school), “A Bridge to Terabithia” (a wonderful book and movie I have used for youth group activities), and so many more books I loved to read. “Home to Harmony,” came right after, “Grapes of Wrath,” which took me two weeks to read. For several reasons, Grapes, was a tremendously difficult and depressing read. When I picked up, “Harmony,” a day after finishing, “Grapes,” I couldn’t put it down and I think I finished in a day!
I love to read for fun, but I don’t. Despite the lessons of the Sabbath Time Ministries retreats, which are to honor the Sabbath and honor God by taking care of yourself, I seldom do this. More important things always seem to interrupt my desire to read, crab, or fish for fun. Now to be fair, a few bad habits, like television, which always seems to be easier to turn on, often sidetrack me. Some pastors are extremely strict about Sabbath time and days off. Ever since my days on dialysis when I struggled to find the time to work the necessary hours every week, I have not been “strict” about my days off. If something needs to be done today, I do it, and take “away” time later.
So, as the Sunday of Labor Day weekend approaches, I have located my copy of “Home to Harmony,” and am trying to recall which chapters I have read to you, and which chapter I will choose to share this weekend. I am also rededicating myself to reading the books I have on my “to read” list and honoring the Sabbath and honoring God.
It’s kind of odd that I have a tradition born out of taking time off on a weekend where we celebrate the work we do!
Pastor Dale
Presiding: The Rev. Dale Krotee
Music Director and Organist: J. Curtis White
Immanuel Church Chancel Choir
Pianist: Lynne Breil, Tina Lyte
Acolyte: Andrew Albert
Ushers: Philip Jackson, Kyle Jackson, Kate Deckenback, Janice Haller
Nursery Staff: Stephanie Dixon
Nursery Assistant: Kim Bair
Sound System: Jack Breil, Keith Malkus, Tom Wilkison
This Week at Immanuel: (Office hours M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)
Today 9:00am Sunday School
9:15-11:30am Nursery Care
10:00am Worship
11:00am Fellowship in the Narthex
Host: Terry & Bill Malkus
Thursday 6:30pm Choir Practice
BIBLE STUDY: We will be discussing the book “Faith Is The Answer, But What Are The Questions?” by James Moore. Come join us for soup and
study starting Tuesday, September 10 – December 17, 2019 from 12noon to 1pm. Books are available from the office at Immanuel. Please RSVP
Donna Campbell 443-521-0112 or or Claudia McDonald 410-463-4055 or
SPAGHETTI DINNER: Friday, September 20, 4:30-7:00pm. Desserts will be needed. Sign-up sheet is available in the Narthex.
PRE-PAID FUEL 2019-2020: This is just a reminder that cold weather is just around the corner and the need to keep our church building warm this winter
is always a challenge. Getting help with this expense via our pre-paid fuel account is a big help in meeting our financial obligations. Our goal this year
is $10,000. Can you help?
Communion Sunday: As this is Communion Sunday, remember to bring non-perishables for our food pantry.
Janice Haller, Church Secretary